Nanotechnology and Diagnostic Medicine

Research into nanotechnology has revealed numerous uses of different nanoparticles and nanoscale engineered equipment to aid in diagnostic medicine. This includes being able to get instant alerts at the presence of newly identified forming diseases or conditions, and locating and mapping tumors. Future projections point to the development of complex nanosensors that are able to preemptively identify harmful cells or toxins that have entered or are forming in the body. Nanosensors could make the discovery of disease or cancer as simple as getting a notice or signal from the sensor and getting accurate information about the location, scope, and nature of the condition. As well, nanotechnology has developed colloidal gold nanoparticles and nanoshells that can be used in the detection of cancerous tumor cells through fluorescent imaging. To find out more about the application of nanotechnology in medicine contact a nanotechnology company online to research different available technologies.

The full development of instantaneous nanosensors may still be a while away, but research into the application and use of nanotechnology in diagnostics is promising. Already, physical nanosensors exist for use in identifying biomaterials through measuring changes in physical conditions. This is very similar to the way natural nanosensors that exist in the everyday biological world work, such as a dog’s nose which recognizes different nanoparticles and translates them into a sense of smell. A nanosensor recognizes changes in the physical environment at the Nano-molecular level and uses assumptions on how the macro effect of the changes will impact the body. This allows the sensors to identify harmful developments as they happen.

In research and trials, nanotechnology has been shown to be effective in locating and scanning tumors inside the body. By injecting specifically designed nanoparticles as a contrast solution, doctors can painlessly locate tumors inside the body and map them. One such nanotechnology for medical diagnostics is colloidal gold, gold nanoparticles that have been ‘suspended’ in a solution of water to reach a colloidal state, has been particularly effective in trials as working as a contrast. Gold nanoparticles, especially compared to earlier alternative cadmium, is a much more effective agent because of its increased fluorescent properties as well as being considerably less harmful and toxic on the body. In future designs, scientists hope to be able to create particles that seek out and identify specific bodily cells or alignments, making tumor the tumor location process easy.

For more information on advancements being made in nanotechnology in cancer medicine, check out the website of a nanotechnology company for detailed reports.